Kehilla Market

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4 Cups Loose Herbal Tea Your Choice of Herbs

4 Full Cups worth of any Herbs of your choosing! Approximately 160 servings, depending on the size of the herbs and how much you add to your teaball or teabag. Please ask for help when deciding on Herbs for specificalities...and I would be happy to help! These Bulk Herbs will come packaged in a brown craft bag with a window front. Some Herbs are in Root form, Dried & Powdered, Petals, Berries, Bark or Leaf. Examples: Hibiscus, Peppermint and Lemon Balm...may help the body to cool down without causing it to with Menopause or Overly Hot People And Licorice Root, Holy Basil, Chamomile, Lemon Balm, Passionflower, Peppermint and Stinging Nettles...may help the body to Not Have Seizures. And Fennel Seeds, Rose Hips (Seedless), Hibiscus, Holy Basil and Green Sencha tea...may help with Inflammation... My "In Stock Herbs" in an easy to read alphabetical grouping A American Ginseng Root Apple Mint Leaves Ashwagandha Root Astragalus Root B Bacopa Monnierri Barberry Root Beet Root Birch Bark Twigs Birch Polypore Mushroom BlackBerry Leaves Black Cohosh Black Cumin Seed Black Peppercorns Bladderwrack Burdock Root Butchers Broom Buchu Leaves C Cacao Nibs Calendula California Poppy Cardamom Pods Carob Bean Pods Cats Claw Bark (American) Cats Claw Thorns and Hooks (Chinese) Chaga Mushroom Chamomile (German) Chaste Berry (Vitex) Chicory Root Cinnamon Cassia Cinnamon Ceylon Cocoa Nibs Coconut Flakes Comfrey Leaves Cramp Bark D Dandelion Leaves Dandelion Root Dog Grass Root E Eastern White Pine Needles Echinacea Root Elder Berries Elder Flower Elder Leaves Elecampane Root Eleuthero Root Essiac Tea F Fennel Seeds Fenugreek Seeds Feverfew Foti G Ginkgo Biloba Goldenrod Gotu Kola Gravel Root Green Sencha Tea H Hawthorn Berry Hibiscus Holy Basil (Tulsi) Hops Horsetail (Shavegrass) Hydrangea Root I Irish Moss J Jiagulan K Kudzu Root L Lavender Buds Lemon Balm Licorice Basil Licorice Root Lions Mane Mushroom Lobelia Lomatium M Maca Root Marshmallow Root Milk Thistle Seed Motherwort Mullein Leaves Muira Puama N Nasturtium Flowers O Oatstraw Orange Peel Oregon Grape Root Osha Root P Parsley Leaves Pau D'Arco Bark Passionflower Peppermint Leaves Pine Pollen Plantain Leaves Purple Opal Basil Purple Dead Nettle Q R Raspberry Leaves Red Clover Reishi Mushroom Rhodiola Root Rooibos Tea Rose Hips Rose Petals S Sage Leaves Sarsaparilla Root Saw Palmetto Self Heal Shavegrass (Horsetail) Skullcap Slippery Elm Bark Spirulina Sweet Annie (Annua) St. John's Wort Star Anise Stinging Nettles Strawberry Leaves T Tansy Thyme Tulsi (Holy Basil) Turmeric Root U Usnea Lichen Uva Ursi V Valerian Root Vervain Vitex (Chaste Berries) W White Willow Bark Wild Lettuce Wild Yam Root Wood Betony X Y Yarrow Z Please check out my other listings and let me know how I can be of service to you I am not a doctor, I am an LMT & Herbalist, please know your herbs and talk with a healthcare provider for any possible contraindications with your current meds πŸ™πŸ»β™₯️✌🏻

Allergen Info

  • Gluten Free
  • Tree Nut Free
  • Dairy Free


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