Kehilla Market

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What is a "Kehilla"?

Kehilla (קְהִלָּה or keh-hil-law') is Hebrew for “congregation,” “community,” or "assembly." Mosheh commanded us a Torah, an inheritance of the assembly of Ya‛aqoḇ. Deḇ 33:4

How did it all begin?

Kehilla began as an unnamed freelance community built around Sarah’s first business, Debarim Publishing. To better serve her authors, she wanted to connect them with talented artists, beta readers, etc. However, she also wanted to support the Hebrew community, so she sought out those who followed the Torah and were talented in those fields.

She began to realize there were many talented Hebrews in many different fields! This realization sparked the idea of something bigger than a loosely based network for publishing books. A spark became a fire as the Father placed it heavily on her heart to pursue this venture. So, she gathered some talented Hebrews to help her build Kehilla, an online Torah Observant marketplace for professionals, makers/artists, farms, and ministries.

See how good and how pleasant it is for brothers to dwell together in unity- Tehillim 133:1

The Family Behind Kehilla