Kehilla Market

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How Kehilla Works

Listing Categories

We've created four main categories of listing types for the launch of Kehilla.



Creative outlet, expression of emotion, hobby, or fine art. Makers & Artists come in all forms. Share your artistic talent to help bring beauty to other believer’s days!

See Listings from Makers/Artists
Professional Services

Professional Services

Every successful business or organization is built of talented people, whether those talents are accounting, human resources, social media, or web page development. Use your business acumen to help other believers achieve their professional goals!

See Listings from Professional Services
farm to table

Farm to Table

To grow. To eat. To learn. The fundamentals of Kehilla Farm-to-Table. Support homesteaders & farmers who provide Biblically clean food and want to teach you how to work with Yahuah’s creation to provide food for your family.

See Listings from Farm to Table


Ministries allow us to live in community with each other and practice one of the greatest Laws: You shall love your neighbor as yourself. Learn about and fellowship with ministries that guide people to all of the Father’s words.

See Listings from Ministries

Create An Account

Create an account to buy and/or sell in the Kehilla Market!

Sign Up Now

Buy or Sell

Now that you've signed up as a vendor and/or a customer, explore Kehilla! Shop or post a listing for your set-apart products and services.

Image of a seller in a market setting up his booth.



Kehilla acts a broker between you and your customers. All you need is to input your bank account information into Stripe's system and you will receive payouts directly from Stripe from Kehilla-brokered transactions.

Set Up Your First Listing