Publication Copyright, ISBN & Barcode
Copyright, ISBN and a barcode are all essential for your publicized work. They help prevent others from stealing your work and allow retailers to better sell your book. This listing is to have Debarim Publishing handle the legal process of publication. (This does not give DP right to your work.) ISBN & barcode information is emailed to buyer. Copyright verification is mailed to author from the US government. Copyright A type of intellectual property that protects original works of authorship, such as books, photos, illustrations, and songs. Copyright gives the creator the legal right to print, publish, perform, film, record, and authorize others to do the same. Copyright law can help authors make money by preventing bookstores from copying and selling books. ISBN An International Standard Book Number is a unique 13-digit number that identifies a book's edition and format, such as paperback, hardcover, or e-book. Publishers obtain ISBNs, which are calculated using a mathematical formula and include a check digit for validation. ISBNs are used to catalog published books and make them unique in the marketplace, but they don't automatically copyright a work. Barcode A barcode is the graphical representations of a book’s ISBN and price. Barcodes are used on physical books, allowing them to be machine read, and facilitating automated sales and inventory tracking – a requirement for most large retailers.
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Publication Copyright, ISBN & Barcode
Publication Copyright, ISBN & Barcode