Kehilla Market

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He Gently Leads Those With Young To-Do Notebook​,​ Coil Bound

Moms and those who work with children, this one was created especially for you! If you are anything like me with small children to tend to, you need that one “go-to” notebook to quickly jot down those many thoughts, lists, tasks, and reminders throughout the day. With littles seeking your attention as you go about your day, it can get overwhelming trying to remember “all the things.” This one is so special to me because I have come to cling to that comforting truth that He is gently leading me as I navigate life with littles at this stage in life. This beautiful, ample, matte coil bound notebook (6"x9") is designed especially for those with children and features 400+ lined cream-colored pages with space for making to-do lists and jotting down notes throughout the day for household management and work tasks. It includes a compilation of 200+ scriptures of comfort and grace for an overwhelmed heart, centered around the comforting knowledge that "He will gently lead those who are with young (Isaiah 40:11).” With 400+ pages, this beautiful notebook is designed to last you a while! If you are a mom or work with children, I believe you will find this to be a valuable resource.

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