The Perfect Gift Box
Sometimes we need to send a I've put together a Gift Box of Herbal Goodness! A thoughtful choice of my best selling Herbal products that will cover a wide variety of needs, a basic first aid kit, if you will. Great for off to college students, newly married couples, thank you gifts, etc!! The contents includes Homemade Organic Herbal Remedies...Yahs Herbal Remedies...that help us from headaches, to sore muscles, to immune system boosting and more! What better way to say I love you, than the Gift of Health!! This Gift Box includes: 16.9 ounce Pump Bottle of Essential Oils Blend (Pain Relieving Cream) An 8 ounce jar of Immune System Boosting Elderberry Syrup (Plain) A Headache Relief Essential Oil Blend Nasal Inhaler (Frankincense, Lavender, Peppermint & Copaiba Balsam) Salve in a Tin 2 ounce (Plantain infused Oil with either Roman Chamomile or German Chamomile Essential Oils) A 10-12 cup serving Pouch of Loose Herbal Tea blended for Relaxation (Lemon Balm, Lavender & Chamomile) 1 ounce Tincture & 2 ounce Tincture (of your choosing from my list of in stock ready made Herbal Tinctures below, you may combine as many as you'd like, to formulate your own personal proprietary blend. *As long as they are good companions...just ask!!) In stock ready made Tinctures: A American Ginseng Root Ashwagandha Root Astragalus Root B Bacopa Monnieri Barberry Root Bay leaf Beet Root Birch Bark Twigs Birch Polypore Mushroom Black Cohosh Black Walnut Hull Blue Vervain Burdock Root Butchers Broom Buchu Leaves C Calendula California Poppy Cats Claw Bark (American) Cats Claw ~ Thorns and Hooks (Chinese) Chaga Mushroom Chamomile (German) Chaste Berry (Vitex) Chickweed Cleavers Cornsilk Cramp Bark Cranberry D Dandelion Leaves Dandelion Root Dog Grass (Couchgrass) Root E Eastern White Pine Needles Echinacea Root Elderberry (Plain or Spiced) Elecampane Root Eleuthero Root Essiac Tea F Feverfew G Ginkgo Biloba Goldenrod Goldenseal Gotu Kola Gravel Root Green Sencha Tea H Hawthorn Berry Hibiscus Holy Basil (Tulsi) Hops Horsetail (Shavegrass) Hydrangea Root I Irish Moss J Japanese Barberry K L Lavender Buds Lemon Balm Licorice Root Lions Mane Mushroom Lobelia Lomatium M Marshmallow Root Motherwort Mullein Leaves N O Oatstraw Oregon Grape Root Osha Root P Parsley Leaves Pau D'Arco Bark Passionflower Peppermint Leaves Pine Pollen Q R Raspberry Leaves Reishi Mushroom Rhodiola Root Rose Petals Rosemary S Sarsaparilla Root Self Heal Shavegrass (Horsetail) Skullcap Spirulina St. John's Wort Star Anise Stinging Nettles Sweet Annie (Annua) T Tansy Tulsi (Holy Basil) U Usnea Lichen Uva Ursi V Valerian Root Vervain (Blue) Vitex (Chaste Berries) W White Willow Bark Wild Lettuce Wood Betony X Y Yarrow Z Please research each herb with your healthcare provider, I am an Herbalist not a doctor, I am not prescribing any meds etc, etc. Yahs blessings to His people🙏🏻❤️✌🏻
Allergen Info
- Gluten Free
- Tree Nut Free
- Dairy Free
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The Perfect Gift Box
The Perfect Gift Box