Kehilla Market

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Hello, I'm The Hebrew Homestead.

We are a homesteading​,​ homeschooling​,​ homemaking and cabin building family who Yah has led out of Babylon and into His wonderful ancient paths. We practice animal husbandry​,​ gardening​,​ herbalism​,​ carpentry and stonemasonry so that our days reflect His Ways. From wood working​,​ to sourdough​,​ to candle making​,​ skin care​,​ herbal remedies​,​ tzits-tzits​,​ scripture art​,​ and homeschool curriculum​,​ we want to be a resource for anyone and any family desiring to walk His ancient path!

Reviews from customers (1)

  • KH

    After skimming through the curriculum, I am so eager to begin with our children. So many great resources, ideas, illustrations, and concepts to tackle in an orderly and Biblical way.

    K HDecember 2024

Reviews as a customer (0)