Tzit tziot Boker to Erev colors
From Boker to Erev His Name is to be praised! The colors for this 1 unique group of 4 tzit tziot has the Royal Blue thread which completes the wrappings for YHWH’s Shem/Name. The other colors are a gorgeous selection of the colors of the Dawn & Evening sky’s. One of a kind! About the tzit tzit pattern: 5 strands of Hemp cord doubled over to make 10 tassel strands at the end: Representing the 10 Commandments Wrapped with the •Yod/10 •Hey/5 •Uau/Vav/6 •Hey/5 pattern: Representing YHWH's Shem and YHWH surrounding and protecting us in His Name (Tehillim 125:2) (Yochannan 17:11) In between each wrappings of the letters of Yah's Name are 2 knots: Representing the 2 greatest commandments in which all of the Torah hangs, according to Yahushua as well as representing Ephrayim & Yahudah. (Matt.22:37-39)
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Tzit tziot Boker to Erev colors
Tzit tziot Boker to Erev colors