Functional Lab Screenings and Coaching
Hey there I’m Dr. Kevin and I’m a prenatal and pediatric chiropractor as well as a certified FDN-P. That stands for Functional Diagnostic Nutrition Practitioner. Do you struggle with fatigue? Anxiety? Autoimmunity? Hormone issues? Weight control problems? Allergies? Or any other internal health complaint that you just don’t have any answers for? Well, I get to help you get better through an extremely thorough intake of your history and combining that with a series of core functional labs that involve blood, stool, urine, and saliva. Putting the entire puzzle together allows us to go FAR upstream into the depths of why you feel and function the way you do. Using your lab work, we get to uncover as many of the HIDDEN stressors that are possibly even far away from your symptoms. As we heal, by removing the internal and external stressors that shouldn’t be there AND add in what INCREASES life and function based on your functional labs, then everything DOWNSTREAM gets to improve as well. Meaning symptoms and function are greatly helped. It all begins with a conversation. Then we get to determine where we go from there. I look forward to meeting you! Shalom 💙